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A Shoulder to Cry on (eww!)

2022 is ending soon and I'm gonna overthink about my nowhere-to-be-seen other half. I have come to a realization that I never give an effort of looking for 'him'. I simply don't have the reason to do so because I don't need a 'him' yet.. I think. Let's say there's someone I fond of, it's not like I'm gonna be flirty toward him or ask him out directly. If he doesn't give positive signal, then I don't mind and I'm gonna be appreciating every little interaction with him. That's it. Hahaha, jinjja .. zero effort. I and my capabilities to do everything I need to do is enough. There's my family and friends I could ask for help too. Then for what reason I must look for 'him'? I have already imagined the tiring efforts I need to make and the possibility of getting the worst end. No one wants to be heartbroken. Then, for what? When I say I 'overthink', I really can't help to not prepare myself for the disappoint...

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